It took me nearly five years to find my voice when preaching. I struggled to not only allow my personality came through, but also with delivering the content of the bible well and accurately. I’m always eager to find any resource to help me become more effective.
John Bohannon published a free e-book (click here to go to the page, or here to download it) titled “Preaching and the Emerging Church.”
part of the description from the Resurgence page where I discovered this:
“First, I wanted to give pastors a tool to judge the preaching advice coming out of the movement. My second goal was to show the implications of emerging church preaching for evangelical (expository/text-driven) preaching.”
“The emerging church movement has significantly influenced contemporary Christianity…However, a deficiency still exists when it comes to understanding the role of preaching within the movement.”
Although this ebook analyzes four key preachers (Driscoll, Kimball, McLaren, Pagitt) it revealed and clarified my own convictions, persuasions, and speaking conventions that I use. If you are ever sitting down to evaluate your style and sharpen your skills this would be great to have nearby for reference.
The diagrams are pretty intense as well 😉
Have you heard or read this? Would love to hear your thoughts or impressions if you have.
Great chart! About the only thing to add is the temptation to fall into isogesis which can be found on both sides of the equation. We might believe that the Bible is infallible or that it only hints at God, but when we start merging our own perspectives with Scripture and co-opt the Bible’s authority for our own beliefs, we lose track from where the authority is derived from…
Hey Brian, I came across your sight doing some research. I am grateful that you found the work of some value. I enjoyed checking out your site. God’s best to your ministry.
for sure John! and thanks for your research!